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The International Organization IOWDOK
operates since many years in the fields of intercultural, social, educational and cultural affairs at international scale.
In close collaboration with the ministries, institutions and state bodies of multiple countries,
the IOWDOK carries out national and international federative projects, campaigns and actions, in the objective
to create structures of pacific rapprochement, to initiate processes of reconciliation and to build bridges between peoples,
cultures and belongings, to sensitize around the fundamental values of the humanity
and to develop the sense of better living together. 

Discover the various global projects, campaigns and operations as the unprecedented Flame of Amity World Tour 2016 - 2019,
involving 112 nations, millions of peoples and over 2000 cities around the world, 
the realization of the first International Forum of Better Living Together - FIMVE 2018,
the foundation of the WFCAR - World Federation Cities of Amity and Reconciliation, a worldwide network
regrouping over 2000 cities around the globe until the year 2020 and many other projects! 

The Flame of Amity World Tour
...a Flame goes around the World!
... the Flame of Amity at the conquest of the African continent!
Impressions and images from the Flame of Amity World Tour

Since April 24, 2016 until September 20, 2019 the International Organization IOWDOK, undertakes the unprecedented Flame of Amity World Tour, a worldwide action, involving 112 countries, over 2000 cities and millions of peoples! A spectacular journey of 72’000 km around the world!

After having traveled through 17 European countries, the mythical Flame of Amity crossed the Mediterranean on March 7, 2017 to conquer Africa in the name of Friendship and Concord. The honor of the first destination on the African continent returned to the Tunisian Republic, emblematic bridge between the two continents.

Discover the photos, images and videos of the Flame of Amity World Tour 2016 - 2019, the official receptions in numerous cities and countless relays passing through the countries. Photos and images that speak better than words and are witness to this unprecedented action that reaches beyond all borders.

International Day of Amity and Reconciliation - IDAR
International Day of Amity and Reconciliation 20.09.2017 New York
Retrospective of Int. Day of Amity and Reconciliation 2016 - France

Every year on September 20th is celebrated the International Day of Amity and Reconciliation at the eve of the International Day of Peace, under the patronage of the United Nations. This international day represents a universal appeal to a respectful rapprochement between peoples, harmonization between cultures, belongings... 

The unifying aspect between peoples and cultures of the International Day of Amity and Reconciliation, on 20th September 2017 planned in New York, takes on a strong meaning in an extremely troubled international context filled with hostility and contempt. May New York in 2017 celebrate international amity and relay hope for humanity!

In retrospect to the International Day of Amity and Reconciliation 2016 in Grasse - here you can discover the images of the opening ceremony, the lighting of the Globe of Peace, the official speeches, concerts, the raising of the IOWDOK flag as well as photos of officials and delegations from 11 Nations who attended the ceremony in France.

International Poetry Contest 2017
The Poem of Liberty
FIMVE - Intern. Forum of Better Living Together 18. - 21.10.2018 
The Globe of Peace - Emblematic Symbol of Universal Peace

The IOWDOK International Poetry Contest celebrates its 4th consecutive edition in 2017 and boasts of a high turnout. Every year the IOWDOK International Poetry Contest is dedicated to a different theme. For the year 2017 was chosen the theme around the Liberty. Compose, write and send your Poem of Liberty.

The International Forum of Living Better Together is an International Conference dedicated to the theme of Better LIVING TOGETHER between generations, peoples and cultures, placed under the patronage of the IOFARN, Int. Organization for Amity and Reconciliation of Nations. The first edition will take place from 18. to 21.10.2018. 

The famous GLOBE of PEACE is the mythical symbol of the International Day of Amity and Reconciliation - IDAR. The GLOBE of PEACE is a metallic construction and made up of 24 sections representing the earth with the continents and meridians. The Globe of Peace measures 1.60 m in diameter and 2.40 m in height.

Official TV SPOT Eternal Flame
sur les chaînes télévisées
News - Publications: IOWDOK and Flame of Amity World Tour
Press - Media - Television
Press articles and Media reports

Official TV Spot... A FLAME GOES AROUND THE WORLD. The televised spot of the Flame of Amity World Tour is broadcast from 2016 – 2019 during the flame’s passage through the different countries and cities around the world in partnership with national television channels.

Follow stories and reports about the IOWDOK, the Flame of Amity World Tour, the International Day of Amity and Reconciliation and the annual International Poetry Contest on TABLE NOTE NEWS MAGAZINE. Keep continually informed of the latest news.

Discover the numerous press articles, radio and television reports in the international media around the activities and projects of the international Organizations IOWDOK, IOFARN and WFCAR (World Federation Cities of Amity and Reconciliation). 

Hymn Flame of Amity, composed to be sung around the World!
The educational workshops IOFARN in colors of living together...
Devenez Membre du Club Culture - le Cercle de soutien de l'IOWDOK
The Hymn of the Flame of Amity was composed in occasion of its World Tour 2016 - 2019. This song will accompany the Flame on its World Tour and will resonate in 112 countries until 2019. This Anthem is available for download on all musical platforms. 
The Better Living Together is not a science based on systematic patterns and can not be "instructed" through some predefined rules. The Better Living Together is an evolutionary theme, submitted to continually mutating factors and individual, collective, societal and cultural...
Become Member of the Culture Club – the Circle of support of IOWDOK. Provide your valuable support to the cultural, social, educational and intercultural projects carried out by the IOWDOK worldwide. Support and enjoy advantages, enjoy advantages and support!

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